Dr. U P Singh
Director & Consultant Cardiologist
Prime Diagnostic Centre and Heart Institute, Chandigarh
• MBBS and MD in Medicine from Govt. Medical College, Chandigarh
• DM in Cardiology from PGIMER, Chandigarh
E: dr.upsingh@primediagnosticcentre.com
M: 0172-5050511/ 09814813222
Professional Experience
• 25+ years of experience in the field of cardiology
• Editor of the Journal of Indian Academy of Echocardiography
• Recipient of numerous Gold and Silver Medals during academic pursuits
• Pioneered the implementation of Colour Doppler Echo, Transeosopageal Echo, and Fetal Echo in the region
• Possesses the most extensive expertise in non-invasive cardiology, including Echo, Stress Echo, and Fetal Echocardiography in the region
• Authored over 20 publications
• Delivered more than 200 lectures and webinars in over 50 cities, nationally and internationally, as part of Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs